Humans Add Value to Pay Per Click Campaigns

Humans still have an edge over artificial intelligence for choosing pay per click words. Professionals who work with PPC have a few areas where they are more valuable then Artificial Intelligence.

Bid Management Using Your Business Data
Managing bid management can be extremely boring and is a highly repetitive PPC task. Once the prototype is built, you have to execute the plan properly, which may involve the download of data, using correct format, and running it through your own formulations. Machines do the tasks faster while humans tend to be less thorough.

Businesses can use an automated bid management resolution from Bing or Google or a third party to improve any inadequacies of an engine. Artificial Intelligence has amazing task control. Humans know how to impact the online conversions.

The engine’s bid management systems have four very good advantages:

1. You can use them for free.

2. They use the very best algorithms available.

3. Auction-time signals are available to engines that advertisers do not get (e.g. what did people search before and who is the user).

4. Based on auction time signals, the bids are created.

Bid systems cannot do:

1. Through conversion tracking, engines do not know the context of the performance (e.g. one of the data server centers had an issues that made conversion slower).

2. Engines do not understand factors that will impact an industry (e.g. a business owner with 15 vans can service more customers than a business owner with only 3 vans).

Data from your business should be added to the bid management system to give you an ideal system. Advertisers should calculate their own cost per click through their own systems and then submit all the bids to the engine. This way Bing or Google can adjust bids up or down based on an enhanced CPC.

Optimizers use a combination of data from search engines and business data to manage bids automatically. Optimizers add value to the business and the business does not have to build and maintain complicated technical systems for bids. Advertisers can reach their goals by allowing Bing or Google to update their application-programming interface programs. Procedures can be prebuilt and installed for the advertisers to reach their cost per action and their return on advertising spending goals. These procedures can be enhanced with information from the company or from Bings or Googles data.

Shopping Ads are Targeted by Using Keywords
PPC pros can also take back some control by managing keywords for Shopping Ads. Queries match advertiser’s feed to products. Negative keywords can be driven to a target. Negative words are a main tool. This is called Query Sculpting. Simply adding exact match positive words no longer means “exact”.

Martin Roettgerding invented the Query Sculpting for shopping campaigns. Martin’s technique; maintain 3 parallel shopping campaigns and adding negative keywords proactively. Adding unnecessary negative words can eat into your allowance for the number of keywords. Optimizers know where negative words would perform better.

The performance of ad groups in a shopping campaign are analyzed. The queries in ad groups and The Shopping Negatives Tool will recommend adding certain words to an exact match negative. This allows as many campaigns in parallel to keep everything in one campaign.

Better Ads Created
Low performing ads no longer need to be pulled, but ads that have minimal or no clicks should be removed. Google is using automatic generation to clean up ads. The tools help us to make great ads, but will not replace the professional PPC professional.

Tools can help with ad words that have performed well in the past and future PPC agencies will have the best procedures for testing.
